Ramandeep Gill

Integrating Technology to Mitigate Financial and Operational Risks


Chief Financial Officer,

Muthoot Capital Services

A chartered accountant by qualification, Ramandeep Gill has a successful career in finance. He currently serves as the Chief Financial Officer of Muthoot Capital Services. With a rich background in NBFC/ HFC, Ramandeep has experience in managing financial operations, internal audit, ERP implementation, compliance, and treasury management.
Throughout his career, Ramandeep has worked with various organisations, ranging from start-ups to established companies like PNB Housing, HSBC and AVIOM HFC, which has given him a diverse understanding of the finance sector. As an expert in financial control and risk management, he emphasises the importance of proactive measures and quality MIS (real-time) for faster decisionmaking and gaining an edge over competitors. Ramandeep believes in the power of automation and continuous improvement to mitigate financial and operational risks.
In addition to his core responsibilities, he is also focused on integrating technology to ease complex tasks, particularly in the area of loan origination systems and customer relationship management. With his strategic planning and expertise, Ramandeep has helped Muthoot Capital Services achieve its financial goals and stay ahead of the competition. Get to know more about Ramandeep in this exclusive interview with TradeFlock. 

Can you discuss the past learnings that you've implemented and their impact on the organisation's financial performance?

System controls are the core to any organisation. Automation plays a very big role in mitigating the risk, both financial and operational. The quality MIS (real time) always helps in taking the decision faster, which gives you edge over the competition, which will thus contribute to the overall success of any organisation. The other factor is the profitability of each individual working in the organisation and linking the same with the higher pay-outs will automatically increase the productivity. This will also take his/her efficiency to the next level. However, the traditional rule of monthly incentives can be avoided.

How do you ensure financial control throughout the organisation? How do you monitor and mitigate risks?

It is very subjective topic to each and every organisation, yet the objective remains the same. However, the tools vary. The internal audit function plays a crucial role and more importantly, how seriously you take the suggestions/advise given by the auditors decides the path forward. It is a continuous process where the management must keep improving by following a proactive approach.

Can you outline the company's strategic planning for the coming years and how you are planning for a smooth accomplishment?

The overall numbers have picked especially in the last three quarters. The focus is on increasing the productivity per employee and doubling the book within next 24 months. The post-COVID book (75% of the AUM) has performed exceptionally well. We want to maintain the same level of collection efficiencies quarter-on-quarter basis.

What is your approach to managing foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk, and other financial risks? How are you integrating technology to ease complex tasks?

The objective here is not to put burden on the customer with the rising interest rates. We would like to hold as much as we can. The OPEX will play an important role here, and there must be clarity when preparing the annual budgets. Moreover, the cross-sell opportunities, and adding more revenue lines will increase the top line and somehow help in negating the overall uncontrollable hikes. The tech in our segment is already giving the edge. LOS (loan orientation system) and CRM will be extremely crucial for any service segment. The end customer is always looking for fast TAT (turn around time). We are focused on re-engineering our LOS as per the market requirements and more importantly, by the end customer’s requirements.

Can you please brief our readers about your professional background and what are your current responsibilities?

All through carrying NBFC/HFC experience, I have started this journey as an internal Integrating Technology to Mitigate Financial and Operational Risks Chief Financial Officer, Muthoot Capital Services RAMANDEEP GILL The internal audit function plays a crucial role in mitigating risk and more importantly, how seriously you take the suggestions/advise given by the auditors decides the path forward. 10 Best CFOs in India 2023 32 auditor of HDFC Ltd which helped in understanding the sector extremely well. The journey till now was full of exciting challenges and learnings. All the organisations were completely different, e.g., organisation like PNB Housing, which had already attained growth vis-à-vis AVIOM AVIOM HFC which was a start-up with immense opportunities to learn and grow. The roles were completely different as per the needs of the organisation. Currently I serve Muthoot Capital wherein the underlying asset is two-wheeler, a fast-moving loan and tech plays a very crucial role here in order to take edge over the competition. The role is a meaty one, and I hope to flourish in this role as well.