10 Most Inspiring Women Leaders in India 2023

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when discussing the best women leaders 2023? – How did they do it? While interviewing fascinating women leaders in India, we realised that they all have some qualities in common. These traits are the true identity of these women leaders.

Women have defied hardships and surmounted obstacles since the dawn of civilization. While the challenges change over time and the situation, the resilience and perseverance that are inherent to womanhood have stayed constant and have proven to be successful. Women are now leading the way for global development as the world continues to evolve.

In this list, we managed to bring you the top traits, based on which we selected the Best women leaders 2023 for our magazine. 

Best Women Leaders in India 2023 – Ranking Criteria 

Gathering a list of the best women leaders was not easy. Mentioned below is the list of our ranking criteria. 


A quality that all women leaders in India have is leadership. An act of being a leader is not bossing people around. Instead, it’s the art of keeping them together. As claimed by the interviewees, a true woman leader will always keep her team above her. Leading them in the right direction while also giving them the freedom to pitch in their ideas is authentic leadership. 

Always willing to learn and adapt to new changes is the easiest definition of a great woman leader. 


This is a known fact that women leaders often face more challenges due to gender bias, family support and various reasons, and thus perfectionism becomes the key to success. There is an ardent need to achieve perfection at every step to get recognition and credit.

Perfectionism in maintaining your team and your clients are equally important steps of success. Women leaders tend to be more adamant to attain perfection in their tasks and duties, this has been one of the most important aspects of their success.


It’s not a surprise that best women leaders 2023 are resource-driven. Accumulating the right resources with the right set of talent is what defines resource-driven women leaders in India. Being resourceful is not limited to having the correct data, and instead, it is an amalgam of using your resources, your employees, to their strengths. 

Like everyone, they as well have strengths and weaknesses. A woman leader who can encourage the strength of their employees and knows how to use them is resource-driven and successful. 


 Diligence means a constant effort to accomplish a goal. It is a common and essential trait of top women leaders. There is no alternative to hard work and diligence. Diligence sets top women leaders in India apart. 

It is their immense hard work and never giving up attitude that made them who they are today. 

Innovative Approach 

Yet another vital behavioural trait of women leaders in India is the innovative approach. To give any business new heights, the leader should have creative thinking and an innovative approach. Not only will this make the business stand out, but it will also serve as an example and inspiration for many.

With a little over 33 per cent female workforce, best women leaders are continually serving the industry, even this number can be increased jaw-droppingly. 

Open Culture

Women leaders in India 2023 possess another crucial trait – open culture. An open culture gets a closer look at employees, how they work, what hardships they face, where they excel and what are their expectations. 

All these questions can be answered with this simple trait of following open culture. Not to forget, it also boosts employee productivity. 


Leader or not, being a woman, you should be fearless. When discussing the traits of women leaders in India 2023, fearlessness is seen in all. 

Being fearless means willing to take risks but also measuring the consequences. Fearlessness doesn’t mean abruptly investing in all the risks. It simply means doing proper analysis and not being afraid of the challenges. 

Based on the above-mentioned traits, here we are revealing our list of the 10 most inspiring women leaders in India.

Company Name

Person Name


Senior Director Human Resources

Senior Director- Human Resources, Administration & Corporate Communications

Head HR and L&D

COO & Chief Digital Officer

IT Director - Procurement

Chief Human Resources Officer

Associate Director - BID Management

Chief Human Resources Officer

Chief Human Resources Officer

Senior Director, India People

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