Apple has started training thousands of workers in its Tamil Nadu factory to produce its higher-end iPhone models, Pro and Pro Max versions. The company has also started pilot runs for the base models, and it plans to mass-produce them to meet the global launch timeline. Foxconn will likely be given priority for new manufacturing projects due to its advanced capabilities and strong integration within Apple’s supply chain. Because of this, Foxconn’s facility in Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, is set to begin the ‘new product introduction’ (NPI) process for the iPhone 16 Pro models, with mass production to follow after the official launch.
Moreover, according to the Economic Times, “Foxconn has imported components such as bare printed circuit boards, display assemblies and camera modules for the Pro and Pro Max models in small batches of 500-1000 units. This suggests that a pilot phase is ongoing.” However, Foxconn is not the only company that will be manufacturing iPhones in India; Apple will also be giving the contract to Indian enlisted Apple suppliers, Pegatron and Tata Electronics. Further, they also mentioned that there are enough skilled professionals in India to take up the challenge and maintain the quality standards as they were in the manufacturing unit of China.
How Will This Impact The Prices?
Livemint mentioned in their news that the iPhone 16 series will witness a price cut of 10% since they are being produced domestically. However, they also stated that the prices tend to be higher than in other regions of the world because of the import duty on the import of expensive components and local taxes.
Also read, Apple To Shift Half Of Supply Chain From China To India
How Will This Impact The Indian Economy?
The Indian economy is likely to benefit from the increased production of iPhones, which will also increase employment and money flow in the economy. Many analysts claim that there will be a high demand for the Pro models, which will increase the replacement rate. Economic Times mentioned, “The uptick in manufacturing has resulted in the creation of around 150,000 direct jobs since 2021, with Foxconn employing over 41,000 people at its factory in Chennai.”